Samsung has a lot rolling on this new OS(remember Bada?).And after years of development and a host of other tests and delays,rumors have finally sprung around the internet about 2 or so smartphones running the TIZEN OS to be launched in Russia around May according to Tizen Indonesia,as stated by certain other blogs.Also,it is rumored that developing countries are the primary target of these new devices.One's a high end flagship class smartphone(reminds me of the time when they launched Galaxy S and the Wave S) and the other is a mid-ranger.
For those learning about this the first time round,Tizen is an Intel-Samsung venture into the smartphone OS category.Tizen is based on Linux and is actually the successor of the failed MeeGo OS.But Tizen has recieved a lot of dev support in recent years and hopefully wont be problematic.Shame what happened to MeeGo though,it was good,but competition obliterated it,and it's developers went on to create the "Jolla"smartphone using the Sailfish OS,a succcessor to MeeGo.
Is Samsung finally breaking free of Android?Is Tizen the future of Samsung Mobile?Well folks we have seen the way they let Wave series smartphones sway around the market and of course,wither away.Google's domination in the smartphone OS segment is undeniable.But still it is worth noting the level of success Samsung has had with it's arsenal of products so far....Maybe the Korean giant finally got it right this time.
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